Enjoy the song "Walk On" composed for Walter's Walk. This song was written with the intention of inspiring hope to 'walk on' through the difficult parts of life. Walter's Walk is a place where anyone struggling can come and we will walk with them through the struggles. We are here to provide counseling to everyone in our community, regardless of their ability to pay. There are many people struggling with mental illness and can benefit from the services at Walter's Walk. If you feel inspired by our mission while listening to this song, you can donate to our mission and help someone directly, to receive counseling. Donate at our PayPal here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=S47EEXVPVBQSS
A big THANK YOU to Caravelli Cooper Givens for writing this song for us.
Music video for the song, "Walk On," composed and performed by Caravelli, Cooper, Givens (CCG), with guest vocalist Rita Sextro. Created to support the work of Walter's Walk, a non-profit counseling center in North St. Louis County. For more information, visit: CCGMusicStL.com or walterswalk.com. Lead vocals, guitars and bass by John Caravelli; keyboard and BGVs by Phil Cooper; video production and BGVs by Steve Givens; BGVs by Rita Sextro. Caravelli Cooper Givens has done Coffeehouse concerts at Walter's Walk in previous years before Covid.